Robatzek Laboratory

How plants and microbes interact

Latest News

We are thrilled to have been awarded the second funding period for our joint RU5116. We are now recruiting a doctoral student to join our team. RU5116 information

In her function as the faculty’s women representative, Silke is showcasing “Women in Biology”. More information

Silke is pleased to invite you to a tour of Olive Trees and Stories at the Botanical Garden Munich. More information

We are pleased to contribute to and learn at the TSL summer school with Kaarthik attending. See Poster

Congratulations to Eliana for winning the Faculty’s BioNa award!

Latest Publications

New pre-print article on the role of RNAi in plant-microbe interactions Read more

Cell Host & Microbe: “Messenger RNA just entered the chat”: The next layer of cross-kingdom RNA transfer. Read more

Nature Communications: NET4 and RabG3 link actin to the tonoplast and facilitate cytoskeletal remodelling during stomatal immunity. Read more

mBio article: Biophysical and proteomic analyses of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 extracellular vesicles
Read more

S-acylation stabilizes ligand-induced receptor
kinase complex formation during plant pattern-
triggered immune signaling
Read more

If you wish to learn more about Silke and her motivation to research, check this link

Group Members

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